Sandy Creek Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Applications Open March 15, 2023!!!
The Deadline for Applications is April 15, 2023!!
Begin creating & updating your profile now!
Sandy Creek Central School High School Seniors and Sandy Creek Central School graduates who are/will be attending an accredited 2-yr, 4-yr, or Vocational School full-time in the fall of 2023 are eligible to apply for a Sandy Creek Dollars for Scholars Award.
The deadline for completed applications is April 15, 2023. If you have questions please contact your school counselor or any of the board members listed on the Chapter Contact tab.
All applications will be submitted on-line.
The ChapterNet Student Dashboard is your "one-stop shop" for everything related to our chapter's scholarships. Log in and create or update your profile, and you'll be able to apply for the scholarships you're eligible for with just a few clicks. And it's not just our chapter's scholarships -- you'll see opportunities from Scholarship America's partners across the nation.
What's more, logging into the Student Dashboard will also give you access to volunteer and internship opportunities, important news about college life, and exclusive resources to help you manage your money, succeed in college, and take advantage of everything Dollars for Scholars has to offer.
If you're a parent, this is a great resource, too; if you're here to enter financial or other information for scholarships, you've come to the right place!
To create your profile:
1. Click on the blue "Click to Login" button found at the bottom of this page
2. Create a login
3. Create your profile. Complete information in each of the groups listed below.
- Basic and Additional Information
- School Information
- Academic Information
- Supporting Material
- Activities, Awards, Employment
3. SCCS Awards are NOT based on financial need, as such you do not have to fill out FINANCIAL INFORMATION to be eligible for our award. However, some other awards are based on need and would require such information. We leave it to your discretion as to whether you fill out the Financial Information required.
4. SCCS DFS strongly encourages Community Service. Please put all your Community Service hours in the Activities section of the application.
5. Please make sure you make out the Unusual Circumstances essay section if it applies to you. If Covid-19, family issues, financial hardships.... have affected you, this is your place to express that. The information provided is confidential and will not be shared beyond our scorer for this area.
Students please click here for instructions on how to complete your profile.
Parents please click here.
Sandy Creek Dollars for Scholars
PO Box 248
Sandy Creek NY 13145